Saturday, January 20, 2007

Weigh in!!!

I am down 1.5!!! Yahoo!
Bonus: My waist is down 1 inch as well!
Of course I woke up with a chest full of gunk, my ears and nose full! Plus after I weighed in and ate breakfast I had to take a BM. If you know how it goes a bm could be a whole pound!
Ah well it's better than a gain! I'll take it! Yahoo!
Now I need to get my booty moving and use my gym membership. I think since it's so cold out (17F) I will wear my gym clothes there, shower and change. I love that they have blow dryers there too!


amanda said...

YAHOO! is right!!


as far as green tea goes--I live in Asia (Taiwan to be exact)--so I am surrounded by tea.

I prefer a Jasmin green tea and I like to add splenda to it and drink it cold.

I have been reading about oolong tea. Black, oolong, and green teas all have health benefits--just different ones. I'll do a post about what I know about tea some time in the future. But, you could try drinking oolong if green is too bitter for you.

amanda said...

Hi again . . now it is my turn to ask you . . . how are you doing?
