Friday, April 21, 2006

South Beach

So dh and I started planning on Easter to start South Beach April 24th. I bought the book back in September when my obgyn suggested that when I asked of a good weightloss plan for those with PCOS. Back then I didnt have the will power to do it alone. Now that dh has seen how his mom and dad have lost alot he is willing. So I found many the book and got my shopping list together.
I found alot of helpful info on this message board. They have a grocery list and an outline. Which the book doesnt-they just give you a menu. At first I was really confused when I found the board because in phase one you arent supposed to eat dairy (meaning milk and plain yogurt..cheese is a protein on SB) or tomatoes (so says the book) but since the book came out there have been changes and now you can have both in phase 1 in moderation. So I am glad I found that sight.
South Beach is so different from Atkins...from what I see it's much healthier. There are many veggies I can have on this that I couldnt on Atkins. No I cant have corn and peas but I dont miss them much anyway. South Beach wants you to get your carbs from your veggies so veggies are very important on it. Plus after phase 1 I will be allowed to have fruits and pasta...back in moderation and whole grain carbs.

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