Saturday, January 05, 2008

I did it!

Well I rejoined Weight Watchers yet again. It really is the only eating plan that works. I just need to keep myself positive and stay on track. OK so I know I wont stay on 100% all the time but I need to keep positive when I do fall off.

This time around I decided to do it differently than in the past.

Weekly meetings and stop in the community message board occasionally.

1. Monthly pass (giving me access to etools):
I am pre-paid so if I miss a week I am wasting my money. I am hoping this will work since I do have a gym membership and haven't gone since October. That I plan on starting to use again. Having PCOS it is really important to keep yourself moving daily. I sit allot with my niece during the day (now that it is cold) so I need to get to the gym or on Ellie!
2. I also plan on going on the message boards and making friends. The buddy system works.
3. Unlimited meeting means I can use them like AA. Having a bad food choice day-go to a meeting!

PCOS Issues update:
We went on a break from TTC in the summer. We strated on our wedding night (7/5/03) and we decided it might help to take a break and just enjoy each other.

Back in October I started taking herbs to help with my PCOS issues.
I now take:
Cinnamon-support healthy blood sugar metabolism, provide antioxidant protection, and healthy blood flow.

Chasteberry- correcting irregular period, heavy menses, lack of ovulation, and even infertility.
Helps lower stress levels by normalizing the secretion of prolactin from the pituitary gland. Women with PCOS tend to have high levels of prolactin, which inhibits fertility.It has the ability to stimulate the production of progesterone by the corpus luteum, which results in a shift in the ratio of estrogen to progesterone. Also can help with the clearning up of zits and acne.

Biotin-help restore hair loss, help reinforce the structure of nails, reduce triglycerides as well as a "bad" form of cholesterol, promote healthy glucose (blood sugar) metabolism.

Omega 3's help with the following:
insulin resistance
heart disease risk
high blood pressure
elevated triglycerides (blood fats)
diabetes risk
depression and mood disorders
elevated homocysteine levels
excessive weight.

Inositol: is a necessary component of the membranes of your cells and is vital to many biological processes in your body, facilitates fat metabolism in the liver, and may improve ovulation.

B12 and B-6: controls homocysteine levels, metabolizes of protein and fats, and support healthy nerve cells.

Black Cohosh: it helps restore healthy menses and soothes irritation & congestion of the cervix, uterus and vagina. It can also improve circulation. Is a safe sedative to relieve both nervousness and anxiety which is common in women with PCOS.

I currently am not taking metformin or clomid. I didnt have health insurance for the last 3 months but I do now and plan on making an appointment when my card finally gets here. But I do not want to do clomid and am hoping to get on byetta instead of metformin.

Since starting these I got af for the first time in years without being on provera or prometrium to induce it. I started taking the above herbs on day 74 of my cycle (in October) and af finally came day 100. I now have af and it only took 40 days this round. My hair is also thickening back up, my face cl earning up and I have more energy. I am hoping and praying this will work. I just want to feel normal again. In the last year I have been having a lot of sign of early menopause. I'm 29. For never giving birth to children of my own and trying for almost 5 years now that is scary. So along with the herbs, exercise and weight loss I hope to get my hormones under control and beat this thing!

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